

Online eLearning Delivery
eBridge's eLearning Delivery services feature on demand accessibility, enabling participants to access eLearning at their convenience.

Benefits for Participants

Choose the Time
eSeminars can be viewed anytime, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Participants get the information they need now, without waiting for the next seminar or workshop.

Choose the Place
eSeminars can be accessed anywhere - at the office, at home, at remote sites or while travelling.

Self-Paced Learning
Participants learn in privacy and at their own pace. Self-paced learning, in comparison with instructor-led learning, can result in quicker learning times and higher retention rates.

Individual learning
By packaging eLearning programs in separate modules, eBridge provides the flexibility to assign required learning and training according to individual needs, saving the participant valuable time. This is usually not the case with conventional seminars and workshops, where participants must attend entire sessions, even if they require only part of the content that is presented.

eBridge can accommodate high volumes of participants for larger scale eLearning programs. eBridge 's supplier relationships with highly qualified network specialists and software vendors ensure an online delivery system that is reliable and robust.

Technical Support
eBridge provides clients and learners with 24/7 technical support. Preliminary analysis completed during the Consulting and Needs Assessment stage preempts many potential technical problems.


  • eBridge 's Online eLearning Delivery services provide clients and their targeted learners with a high degree of flexibility and convenience in accessing and scheduling their learning and training needs.
  • Participants save downtime from travelling to workshops and seminars, travel costs, and lost opportunity costs.
  • Through "modularizing" eLearning courses or eSeminars, eBridge's clients can assign specific learning to targeted learners, relieving them of unproductive time spent on content in which they are already proficient.
  • Improved learning and training usually results in higher morale, improved productivity, increased customer satisfaction and reduced after-sale service costs - producing a competitive edge.
  • Improved employee access to professional development through learning and skills upgrading reduces staff turnover.
    eBridge © 2002